Friday, March 6, 2020

What is a Rational Expression

What is a Rational Expression A rational expression is an expression which is written in the form of p/q where p and q are any polynomial expressions except q 0. Hence a rational expression has a numerator and a denominator and the expression in the denominator should not be equal to 0 because then the expression becomes undefined. Rational expressions are very commonly used in math and they can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided and these expressions can be simplified or factored according to the given question as well. Example 1: Simplify the given rational expression, (4x2)/ (2x) * (3x/5). Given rational expression: (4x2/2x) * (3x/5) Now in order to multiply the given two rational expressions, we multiply the expressions in the numerators together and the expressions in the denominators together. This gives: (4x2 * 3x)/ (2x * 5) = 12x3/ 10x. Now we can simplify the above expression by dividing the numerator and the denominator with their common factor. The common factor of 12 and 10 is 2 and for x3 and x is x. Hence we get: 6x2/5. Example 2: Simplify the given rational expression, (x2 16)/ (x 4). Given rational expression: (x2 16)/ (x 4) In order to simplify the above expression, we can factor the numerator. According to the algebraic formula: a2 b2 = (a+ b) (a b) Now, we can write x2 16 as x2 42. Applying the above formula we get, x2 42 = (x + 4) (x 4) Now (x2 16)/ (x 4) = (x+ 4) (x- 4)/ (x- 4). Cancelling (x- 4) up and down, we get - (x+ 4) Therefore, (x2 16)/ (x 4) = (x+ 4)

5 Must-Do Steps Before Submitting Your College Application

5 Must-Do Steps Before Submitting Your College Application The following piece was written by Linda Abraham. Linda has been featured in ourAdmissions Expert seriesand is the President and Founder of You think youre ready to submit your college application? WAIT dont do it! Or at least, not yet. Before you hit Submit, make sure you follow these important steps: 1. Clean up your social media act Many adcom will not just review your application, but will spend some time Googling you as well, checking your profiles on social media sites and making sure that they like what they see. Please be responsible and take down anything that makes you look bad you know what Im talking about. Note: Having a social media presence isnt a bad thing; in fact, clean, well-written, and well-maintained social profiles can show the adcom that youre tech savvy, creative, and with it. 2.Check that your application creates a holistic picture of you Your resume, recommendations, transcript, and essays should all work together to create a holistic picture of your qualifications, skills, experience, interests, and goals. You are a multi-faceted person with lots to offer dont make the mistake of having overlapping, repetitious info in your application. Instead, take advantage of the space you have to present as many, varied aspects of who you are as possible. 3. Make sure that youve expressed why youre a good candidate for this program You may be the Einstein of our generation, but if you havent expressed your unique fit with your target program, then you could still hit the chopping block, despite your blinding brilliance. 4.Proofread everything Spend a significant amount of time editing your essays and resume, as well as the boxes and forms on the application itself. A sloppy application shows that youre a sloppy person. 5.Follow up with your recommenders Your application may be complete on your end, but if your recommenders have lost your recommendation in the mountain of papers on their desks, then you may as well consider yourself doomed. Follow up with each and every one of your recommenders to make sure that your recommendation has been submitted by the deadline. VisitAccepted.comor find them onFacebookandTwitter. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Heart Math Tutoring receives $1,250,000 from Albemarle Foundation and Bank of America - Heart Math Tutoring

Heart Math Tutoring receives $1,250,000 from Albemarle Foundation and Bank of America - Heart Math Tutoring Heart Math Tutoring receives $1,250,000 from Albemarle Foundation and Bank of America Heart Math Tutoring receives $1,250,000 from Albemarle Foundation and Bank of America October 25, 2018 Albemarle Corporation and Bank of America recently announced a $20 million investment in Charlotte-area nonprofits to drive local economic mobility! The companies worked together to select Charlotte nonprofits that will receive funding allocated over the next five years. Each nonprofit focuses on at least one of three key areas:early child care and education; college and career readiness; and family and child stability. These areas were identified as factors of economic mobility in a report by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Opportunity Task Force, which was formed in response to the 2014 Harvard/UC-Berkeley study that ranked Charlotte 50th among 50 large metropolitan areas for upward mobility. “Our priority is to work closely with the many great resources, task forces and organizations in Charlotte that have paved the way for us to power the potential of our community,” said Sandra Holub, Executive Director of the Albemarle Foundation. “We hope this investment sets a tone for both legacy organizations and those new to Charlotte, to step up however they can, with dollars, sweat equity or social capital, and continue the momentum to address economic mobility in Charlotte.” Heart Tutoring will receive $1,250,000 over five years to accelerate program impact and sustainability. Albemarle Foundation and Bank of America will sponsor tutoring for ~200-250 students across 4-5 school sites per year and support Heart Tutorings growth from 22 current school partners to 35. Students who are performing 2-3 years below grade level in elementary math build skills and confidence needed for long-term success. Bank of America’s gift aligns with the company’s significant volunteer support, as almost 100 Bank of America employees served as volunteer tutors with Heart in the most recent school year. “This is incredible validation of the community investment and outcomes to date, and we are inspired by this opportunity for expanded impact over the next five years,” says Emily Elliott, executive director of Heart Math Tutoring. “I am grateful for our students, volunteers, donors, staff, and school partners who will remain dedicated to the hard work of opening doors where children are currently being left behind.” Thank you so much for making the program possible in schools, Albemarle and Bank of America! Read more in the news:

5 Reasons to take English Classes via Skype

5 Reasons to take English Classes via Skype Are you wondering whether you should take English classes on line via Skype? Its a relatively new new way of learning English, so you may have some doubts. Here are 5 good reasons to try it.5. No traffic. If you live in São Paulo, Madrid, Mexico City, Moscow, Buenos Aires or any of the worlds big cities, you know that traffic can be a nightmare. But if you take your English classes by Skype, you can learn from your home, your office, or even by connecting to Skype with a smartphone during your commute! Its one less trip youll have to make.4. Take it easy! Tired after a long day of work? Come to English class in your pajamas! We wont care. In fact, if you want, you can leave your video off during class. Our teachers will always use their video (so we usually dont wear pajamas) but you can relax.3. Native Speakers. Native English speakers may be difficult to find in your country/city, but we have them on Skype. Learn how to speak English the way real English speakers do, and be prepar ed for you next job interview, vacation or meeting.2. One on one learning. You can take classes with just you and and one native English speaker. Its the fastest, most efficient way to learn!1. First class is free. You can take a 30-minute free trial class with no obligation to learn about all the great advantages of this new way of studying English. Contact us to arrange a first class.What are your reasons for taking Skype English classes? Let us know in comments below. Clever Learn3232 This sounds like a very neat and very helpful blog! Very informative and had such a wonderful entry.

Tips to help kids deal with back to school stress. - ALOHA Mind Math

Tips to help kids deal with back to school stress. This article talks about how back to school can be a stressful time for children. Most parents have gone through the experience of seeing their kids deal with the start of a new grade, and wondered how they can make that transition easier for the child. Here are some simple tips to help kids deal with the start of a new school year in a smoother and more confident manner: Do a private orientation: If the school allows you to visit during the summer break, put in a couple of hours with your child exploring all the important areas like classrooms, cafeterias, the gym, and the locker rooms. If possible to coordinate with a couple more kids who are starting the same grade, it would make it even more of a fun outing. Listen: In the first days after school starts, your child will go through a lot of new experiences, and unless you spend time listening to all her stories you will not be able to share them with her. Make sure you spend a lot of one-on-one time with her and get to know about anything that might be bothering her, so that you can reassure as well as intervene if necessary to make it a bit easier on your child. Relaxation techniques: If your child is starting a new phase such as high school, the back to school stress can be difficult to deal with at times. The best way to prepare him for times like these is to teach them to sit and relax, or take a break for 5 minutes whenever things seem overwhelming. As children grow older, techniques such as meditation can also be a big help. This articlein the Huffington Post talks about a few more. Back to school.Image courtesy: Family time: Ensure that at least one mealtime is spent eating together as a family, and includes talking about your day at work or school. This helps children release the stress of the day, and may also lead to healthy discussions from older siblings on how to deal with common problems at school. Break from other activities: If your child takes part in other scheduled activities such as sports coaching or music classes, try to take a short break from some of these until the school schedule settles down. These tips should help towards stress management in young children for those back to school days. You can help your child cope with school related blues by trying out our classes at Aloha USA which will help your child build their confidence and in all round mental development. Please see our website for more details:

4 Steps to Personalize Tutoring for Your Child

4 Steps to Personalize Tutoring for Your Child 4 steps to personalize tutoring for your child are as follows: Step one, decide whether your child needs a tutor. Step two, decide on the tutoring method, that is private, online and centers. Step three, find the right tutor. Step four, choose the best tutor. Read on to find out more on these four steps to personalize tutoring for your child. The tutoring needs of children are varied and often complex. Your child is an individual; different from their 70 million piers in the US. Perhaps you and your child are preparing for challenging placement and qualification exams in order to be accepted into an Ivy League school. If youre fortunate and your child is gifted and talented then you may be looking for a tutor to achieve their full potential. Perhaps your child is having trouble with science or concept in mathematics. Dont fret, disabilities in math can be resolved and are ubiquitous today; 5% to 8% of school-age children are identified as having some kind of disability in mathematics. Another common occurrence these days is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Should you child suffer from ADHD you need the extra attention from a tutor who specializes in learning disabilities (LD)? Also, since 2008 more parents are struggling financially and can hardly afford a private tutor. Dont worry; the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that low-performing low-income schools must provide free tutoring services to children who qualify. Step 1: Decide on whether your child needs personalized tutoring. Give personalized tutoring a go if one of the following criteria is true for your child. • Child is struggling with homework exercises. • Your child’s teachers expressed concern. • Your child exhibits a drop in assessment results. • There is a general concern from your child regarding their studies. While not urgent, you may want to consider hiring a private tutor for your child in order to: • Increase confidence in his favorite subject • Supplement classroom teaching amidst educational budget cuts. • Ensure the optimal assessment results in preparation for university applications. With the public education system strained to its limits, the college admissions requirements ever rising most parents opt for tutoring. Occasionally, it is the students themselves who ask for tutoring in order to feel ever more confident in class. The short answer to step one is that every child can benefit from personalized tutoring. In fact, as a professional tutor, and CEO of TutorZ I have never seen a child who did not profit from tutoring. Even overachieving students benefit from personalized tutoring as in the process they will achieve full potential in their gifted areas. Moreover, gifted students are encouraged to overcome some weak spots. No matter what your reasons are for hiring a personalized tutor it is important to discuss the decision with your child. Now that you have decided to give personalized tutoring a go we need to consider the method of tutoring. Step 2: Decide on the most appropriate method of tutoring. Knowing your childs innate preferences, your budget limitations or convenience is is now time to selected the most appropriate method of tutoring. Private tutoring is the most common type of tutoring and, perhaps, the most desirable for younger children and those with learning disabilities. Conveniently, private tutors come to your home or should you prefer so meet you and your child at school or another public location. Typically private tutors have years of tutoring experience and know their tutoring subjects very well. Sometimes private tutors are still in college and know the teachers, text books and curricula will which enhanced the quality of tutoring seasons. Online tutoring has become main stream with the proliferation of the Internet. The reasons for deciding to go for online tutoring are compelling: • You are unable to find a tutor near home. • Youre looking of a true expert in the subject. • Need tutoring help with an uncommon subject such as thermodynamics or knitting. • Your schedule makes attending regular sessions difficult. • Need to save gas money by not having to commute to the meeting place. Online tutoring allows your child to work with a teacher in real time over the Internet. Communication between student and online tutor is usually done using headsets. This way the child’s hands are free to type or to write on an electronic pad. There are many applications available that offer video conferencing, so child and tutor interact face to face. I recommend Skype as it is fully featured and free for one-to-one connections. Subjects like reading, math and programming are well suited for online tutoring. Hands-on subjects such as knitting or learning to play the guitar fail typically for obvious reasons. Even for subjects like social studies for an eighth-grader, you’ll probably want to stick with private or school-based tutoring. In general, the younger your student is the harder it is to make online tutoring work. If your kid is distracted or sufficiently undisciplined to sit through an online session opt for private tutoring. The most important consideration of online tutoring is whether you child is disciplined to being tutored over the Internet. On the Internet there are so many tempting distractions. We found the online tutoring works best for kids when their parents accompany the sessions. But not always can parents make the time for it, so they are left with tutoring centers. Tutoring centers are companies that employ tutors with various kinds of experience. Some centers use standardized materials and methods. They may offer diagnostic testing to help them develop a learning strategy for your child. Your child will be placed with a tutor for sessions one or more times a week, usually after school or in the evening. Some tutoring centers offer group tutoring, which can be less expensive than individual tutoring. However, you’ll need to decide whether your child will work better in a group or one-on-one. Step 3: Finding the Tutor Word of mouth is perhaps the best source of finding a tutor. Asking other parents who have used a tutor can be a good way of ensuring that the tutor is credible and good at their job. If word of mouth is not an option it’s worth having a look at local newspapers or magazines, local bulletin boards in libraries, community colleges or even at the groceries store. Tutors tend to advertise their services there. However, these traditional methods tend to give way to online tutor referrals. I feel today the quickest and most effective way of finding a personal tutor is online. Many tutors have their own websites and there are several tutor directories that list home educators by area. When searching for a tutor, think about the keywords that will bring up what you are looking for â€" what subject, level and area do you want to search. For example, googling for math tutor in Houston, TX will show you a dozens of good sites. Be as specific as you can in entering your google query. For example, if you in college and look for a calculus tutor then better enter calculus college tutor in Houston, TX. The search results will surely help to solve your difficult college math homework. The Internet is a wonderful thing. While advertising ads on craigslist or backpage was state of the art during the Web 1.0 generation, today we are blessed with tutoring marketplace companies, such as These new type tutoring services maintain an eBay-like marketplace where tens of thousands of tutors are treated as independent contractors. These tutor contractors are rated and reviewed and have passed application tests. Moreover, criminal background checks can be purchased. Thanks to these tutoring marketplaces, finding a tutor nowadays is as easy as ABC. Simply type in your search query (e.g. calculus college tutor in Houston, TX) into TutorZ search box and screen the in-person tutors nearby. Moreover, these tutoring market places sites protect parents from bad tutors and visa versa. Bad apples are everywhere, in the tutoring industry also. Step 4: Choosing the Right Tutor Choosing the right tutor presupposes choice. The choice offered by local classified tutoring ads or even craigslist listings is often insufficient. Thats where these Internet tutoring market places shine: They have dozens to thousands of tutors in your local area. TutorZ has an impressive selection of 40,000 certified and trusted tutors. Whether you prefer a female tutor for your daughter or an Ph.D. level math expert for a statistics research paper, a caring special education tutor for a child suffering from ADHD or simply a tutor who is affordable TutorZ has them all. While having a choice is a good thing, making the right match is the next thing. The research conducted by TutorZ has shown that through blending technology and human intelligence matches are made most easily and efficiently connecting the student with the perfect tutor. The important thing is to look for personalized matching and a tutoring consultation. In summary, the tutoring needs of every student different. Virtually all children benefit from tutoring. Whether private or online tutoring we recommend to shop for tutors on new online tutoring marketplaces, the likes of There you are empowered through choice and personalized match making. 4 Steps to Personalize Tutoring for Your Child 4 steps to personalize tutoring for your child are as follows: Step one, decide whether your child needs a tutor. Step two, decide on the tutoring method, that is private, online and centers. Step three, find the right tutor. Step four, choose the best tutor. Read on to find out more on these four steps to personalize tutoring for your child. The tutoring needs of children are varied and often complex. Your child is an individual; different from their 70 million piers in the US. Perhaps you and your child are preparing for challenging placement and qualification exams in order to be accepted into an Ivy League school. If youre fortunate and your child is gifted and talented then you may be looking for a tutor to achieve their full potential. Perhaps your child is having trouble with science or concept in mathematics. Dont fret, disabilities in math can be resolved and are ubiquitous today; 5% to 8% of school-age children are identified as having some kind of disability in mathematics. Another common occurrence these days is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Should you child suffer from ADHD you need the extra attention from a tutor who specializes in learning disabilities (LD)? Also, since 2008 more parents are struggling financially and can hardly afford a private tutor. Dont worry; the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that low-performing low-income schools must provide free tutoring services to children who qualify. Step 1: Decide on whether your child needs personalized tutoring. Give personalized tutoring a go if one of the following criteria is true for your child. • Child is struggling with homework exercises. • Your child’s teachers expressed concern. • Your child exhibits a drop in assessment results. • There is a general concern from your child regarding their studies. While not urgent, you may want to consider hiring a private tutor for your child in order to: • Increase confidence in his favorite subject • Supplement classroom teaching amidst educational budget cuts. • Ensure the optimal assessment results in preparation for university applications. With the public education system strained to its limits, the college admissions requirements ever rising most parents opt for tutoring. Occasionally, it is the students themselves who ask for tutoring in order to feel ever more confident in class. The short answer to step one is that every child can benefit from personalized tutoring. In fact, as a professional tutor, and CEO of TutorZ I have never seen a child who did not profit from tutoring. Even overachieving students benefit from personalized tutoring as in the process they will achieve full potential in their gifted areas. Moreover, gifted students are encouraged to overcome some weak spots. No matter what your reasons are for hiring a personalized tutor it is important to discuss the decision with your child. Now that you have decided to give personalized tutoring a go we need to consider the method of tutoring. Step 2: Decide on the most appropriate method of tutoring. Knowing your childs innate preferences, your budget limitations or convenience is is now time to selected the most appropriate method of tutoring. Private tutoring is the most common type of tutoring and, perhaps, the most desirable for younger children and those with learning disabilities. Conveniently, private tutors come to your home or should you prefer so meet you and your child at school or another public location. Typically private tutors have years of tutoring experience and know their tutoring subjects very well. Sometimes private tutors are still in college and know the teachers, text books and curricula will which enhanced the quality of tutoring seasons. Online tutoring has become main stream with the proliferation of the Internet. The reasons for deciding to go for online tutoring are compelling: • You are unable to find a tutor near home. • Youre looking of a true expert in the subject. • Need tutoring help with an uncommon subject such as thermodynamics or knitting. • Your schedule makes attending regular sessions difficult. • Need to save gas money by not having to commute to the meeting place. Online tutoring allows your child to work with a teacher in real time over the Internet. Communication between student and online tutor is usually done using headsets. This way the child’s hands are free to type or to write on an electronic pad. There are many applications available that offer video conferencing, so child and tutor interact face to face. I recommend Skype as it is fully featured and free for one-to-one connections. Subjects like reading, math and programming are well suited for online tutoring. Hands-on subjects such as knitting or learning to play the guitar fail typically for obvious reasons. Even for subjects like social studies for an eighth-grader, you’ll probably want to stick with private or school-based tutoring. In general, the younger your student is the harder it is to make online tutoring work. If your kid is distracted or sufficiently undisciplined to sit through an online session opt for private tutoring. The most important consideration of online tutoring is whether you child is disciplined to being tutored over the Internet. On the Internet there are so many tempting distractions. We found the online tutoring works best for kids when their parents accompany the sessions. But not always can parents make the time for it, so they are left with tutoring centers. Tutoring centers are companies that employ tutors with various kinds of experience. Some centers use standardized materials and methods. They may offer diagnostic testing to help them develop a learning strategy for your child. Your child will be placed with a tutor for sessions one or more times a week, usually after school or in the evening. Some tutoring centers offer group tutoring, which can be less expensive than individual tutoring. However, you’ll need to decide whether your child will work better in a group or one-on-one. Step 3: Finding the Tutor Word of mouth is perhaps the best source of finding a tutor. Asking other parents who have used a tutor can be a good way of ensuring that the tutor is credible and good at their job. If word of mouth is not an option it’s worth having a look at local newspapers or magazines, local bulletin boards in libraries, community colleges or even at the groceries store. Tutors tend to advertise their services there. However, these traditional methods tend to give way to online tutor referrals. I feel today the quickest and most effective way of finding a personal tutor is online. Many tutors have their own websites and there are several tutor directories that list home educators by area. When searching for a tutor, think about the keywords that will bring up what you are looking for â€" what subject, level and area do you want to search. For example, googling for math tutor in Houston, TX will show you a dozens of good sites. Be as specific as you can in entering your google query. For example, if you in college and look for a calculus tutor then better enter calculus college tutor in Houston, TX. The search results will surely help to solve your difficult college math homework. The Internet is a wonderful thing. While advertising ads on craigslist or backpage was state of the art during the Web 1.0 generation, today we are blessed with tutoring marketplace companies, such as These new type tutoring services maintain an eBay-like marketplace where tens of thousands of tutors are treated as independent contractors. These tutor contractors are rated and reviewed and have passed application tests. Moreover, criminal background checks can be purchased. Thanks to these tutoring marketplaces, finding a tutor nowadays is as easy as ABC. Simply type in your search query (e.g. calculus college tutor in Houston, TX) into TutorZ search box and screen the in-person tutors nearby. Moreover, these tutoring market places sites protect parents from bad tutors and visa versa. Bad apples are everywhere, in the tutoring industry also. Step 4: Choosing the Right Tutor Choosing the right tutor presupposes choice. The choice offered by local classified tutoring ads or even craigslist listings is often insufficient. Thats where these Internet tutoring market places shine: They have dozens to thousands of tutors in your local area. TutorZ has an impressive selection of 40,000 certified and trusted tutors. Whether you prefer a female tutor for your daughter or an Ph.D. level math expert for a statistics research paper, a caring special education tutor for a child suffering from ADHD or simply a tutor who is affordable TutorZ has them all. While having a choice is a good thing, making the right match is the next thing. The research conducted by TutorZ has shown that through blending technology and human intelligence matches are made most easily and efficiently connecting the student with the perfect tutor. The important thing is to look for personalized matching and a tutoring consultation. In summary, the tutoring needs of every student different. Virtually all children benefit from tutoring. Whether private or online tutoring we recommend to shop for tutors on new online tutoring marketplaces, the likes of There you are empowered through choice and personalized match making.

Irvine Language Arts Tutor to Ace Your Language Arts Final

Irvine Language Arts Tutor to Ace Your Language Arts Final Five tips From a Private Irvine Language Arts Tutor to Ace Your Language Arts Final Final exams are just around the corner and students are anxiously studying in hopes of doing well on these important exams. Whether a student is in middle school or entering their college prep years, everyone will have to deal with an English language arts final. They might be writing a final essay paper and handing in at the beginning of class, or they might be spending 45 minutes answering multiple choice questions. The format of the test may change, but the material pretty much stays the same and students will want to be well-versed in this core subject finals are around the corner! Book your in-home Irvine language arts tutor today. 1.   Brush up on vocabulary Most language arts finals have some sort of vocabulary element whether students are matching terms to definitions or just using new vocabulary words in an essay. Varied word choice is an important element of a well written essay so students should make sure they brush up on any vocabulary terms their teacher has given them throughout the semester. Students who are up to date on their vocabulary terms tend to do better in general so they can practice by reviewing flashcards or working with a study group to pool resources. 2.   Review novels from the entire semester Middle and high school students read a lot of novels throughout their English courses but often forget what happened in a book from earlier in the term. Also, many students tend to skim through certain parts of the book or forget to read a chapter here and there because theyre pressed for time. However, before taking final exams its important for students to review any plot points and character development that occurred within all of the novels they were assigned throughout the year. When these important details are fresh in a student’s mind theyre more likely to be able to answer both multiple-choice and free response questions. 3. Refine those writing skills Students should also brush up on their writing skills to make sure theyre able to communicate themselves in a clear and concise manner. Most English finals have a free response portion, requiring students to write a paragraph or two about a particular novel or character. The most common things students will see are compare and contrast questions and an argumentative thesis. If a student is doing a take-home essay in lieu of a final exam its extra important that they’re able to refine their writing skills so they can earn an excellent grade (READ: Five Tips for Success in English Class). 4. Review class notes and make flashcards Every single student should be reviewing their class notes and making flashcards as a form of studying. Making flashcards is such a great way for students to organize their thoughts and determine which concepts they fully understand and which ones they need to review. Hopefully, students took great notes during class but, even if they didnt they should go over the notes their teacher gave them in order to study efficiently. 5.   Review spelling and grammar Lastly, students are encouraged to review proper spelling and grammar. Most students use a computer, complete with spell-check, to write most of their essays but, if they’re writing in class, they wont have access to this kind of help. English teachers want to see if students can write using proper grammar and spelling all on their own, without the aid of the digital world. Spelling and grammar are also helpful tools for every other class because students who can communicate effectively do better overall. Score high on your language arts final with the help of private Irvine English tutoring. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.